Monday, May 20, 2013

Do something, mighty warrior

The book of Judges is about God's unrelenting pursuit of a people who really don't care about Him. They like to be rescued when they get in a bind, but they are not determined to follow Him. And He lets this scenario run--really, He could do something differently--because He is painting a picture of our stubborn hearts.

In the days of Gideon, the enemies of Israel would raid at planting time and destroy everything. The Israelites even built shelters in the hills where they could run and hide; like a tornado shelter in Oklahoma, they knew they would need it. So Gideon is hiding in his winepress one day, and the angel of the Lord appears to him and says, "The LORD is with you, mighty warrior" (Judges 6:12).

Notice that the angel says that the Lord is with YOU. Gideon replies, "Pardon me, my lord, but if the LORD is with US, why has all this happened to us?" (v.13). Gideon is griping about the decline in his culture. "Look how bad everything is!" he moans. And when the angel says, "God is with you," he misunderstands and thinks God is with his people.

Is God with the United States, or is God with you? The United States is not a Christian nation. God-fearing people have been deeply involved in this country, but unlike several American colonies, our nation did not establish an official religion. In the colonies, religion mixed with the state led to persecution by the ruling religious opinion of those who didn't agree; the founders of the United States saw this as a problem and wanted to preserve religious freedom without establishing a state-enforced opinion.

Now let's go back to Gideon. The angel says to Gideon, God is with YOU. So Gideon needs to get off his posterior and do something. Gideon's first response is to complain about how bad his nation is, and that God hasn't been involved like He used to be. Meanwhile, God Himself is sitting in front of Gideon telling him to DO SOMETHING. I am with YOU.

What's going on around you that you don't like? The Holy Spirit of God is IN YOU. DO SOMETHING. God can direct moving water, but if you just puddle, you will stagnate. Gideon was afraid, he knew he was too small and too insignificant to really make a difference. And yet, God called him a mighty warrior. Gideon's first forays into mightiness weren't all that impressive, but he did get one remarkable battle. And several chapters in the Bible. What kind of reward do you demand before you move? Guaranteed success? Huge world change? I hope that I am willing to be an unnoticed part of God's army. Many, many remarkable people go unnoticed, but we are part of God's story, and His story prevails.

Go for it. A conversation with God is the way Gideon got started, and it is how he proceeded. Good lesson there.

Now do something.

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