My best friend has a saying: "If you want to see me, come on over. If you want to see my house, give me two weeks notice."
Last Saturday, my mom and two friends came by my house. None of them were here long, and my house was definitely not in Presentation Form. All three of them came in talking to me and never even noticed. And I didn't make that classic housewife comment, "Oh, I'm so sorry about the house..."
I know that seems silly, but it was a good morning for me. I was struck by how each of these people held me in their gaze: not what I'd done, not what they wanted from me. They just saw me. Remember when Hagar was running from her abusive boss, and she encounters the Lord? She names Him, "The God who sees me" (Genesis 16:13). Sometimes when you feel down and stuck, just having someone see you is an incredible gift.
I am blessed to have genuine people in my life, and the smallest of interactions with them gives me joy.
I think it is also easy to fall into the trap of pleasing people. It is definitely a trap for me. It is easy for me to get so concerned with my list of things to do that I forget to drop the tasks and just be with people I care about. It has helped, having teenagers and wanting their friends to be welcomed in my home. I never clean for my kids' friends. Around the time that my oldest was leaving for college, I invited her boyfriend to come over for ribs. It was a celebration of the kids, but I wasn't stressing about it...until she asked if his parents were invited. Her boyfriend is welcome in our home, just the way we are. I couldn't stretch myself to be as equally welcoming to his parents. My "clean the house" hostess instinct couldn't relax, and we missed the opportunity to spend time with people.
Most of us would say we have friends. But take a moment to look at your circle: who would you invite over when things are falling apart? If you don't practice now, when things are easier, you won't allow people in when you're under stress. Take the plunge for genuine. It is worthwhile.
Oh my. It's not often, anymore, that I clean for company. People just drop in. Or I invite people. Then don't clean. But I don't thing it's because I want people to just see me. I think maybe I've kinda given up. Which is different.
I actually thought of you when I was writing this. "Flea is probably different," I thought. And I love sitting among your fowl, enjoying coffee. Thanks for being you. :)
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