Random thoughts are good sometimes. I had this memory float through my head tonight. Funny, how certain memories come back after many years. Many years ago, I lived behind Troy Aikman. Yep. The quarterback! Well, he lived in a mansion in Irving/Coppell and I lived in the apartments by the fields behind his mansion.
I would walk many an evening and be on the back streets through new construction. He would go jogging on those back streets at sunset. Same as me. Many times, I would be walking and then here he would come...towards me...so I would suck in my size 6 belly...and pick up the pace and even jog...why? I don't know. I guess I had the delusion that after so many times seeing me - he would say - Hey there, blondie. You jog? I jog. Wanna go out? and maybe if we hit it off - we can get married?? Yes. Delusional.
But he never did. I guess I was longing for a better life. One that would rescue me and one that fame and fortune could buy me. ***sigh*** I wanted a better life. ***sigh again*** and then I would go back to walking.

Many years later, I was married. I attended a small realtor's luncheon and was part of a select few that got to meet him. There was only like twenty of us. As I waited in line...I got more and more nervous. When it was my turn to meet him, I posed for the picture and smiled. He doesn't smile that great so that picture is not so good if I may say so. Well, I asked him for his autograph, and after he signed his name he made a little tiny "8" on top.
I looked at it and said, "Oh, cute. A tiny 8. I like that!" Oh, yes, I did. I did say that.
He then stares at me.
To further fill the void, I proceed to remind him that we used to jog together over by the fields in Coppell.
He stares at me.
I mean he looks as if we have never met. I was like - "hello...you know the cute blonde that wore size 6 shorts and we always said hello and politely nodded at one another?? Please, Troy. Let's not act like we don't know each other." Of course, I didn't actually say this last part out loud, just in my head...but I did remind him about jogging and he did continue to nod and stare at me. Boy - this guy is one tough nut. I mean, what's gonna take for him to be impressed???
Well, fast forward to tonight. I am out walking... with my hubby and two little tikes on their bikes. We go all around the neighborhood. I saw the sunset, and then this whole memory floods into my head - and I stare at my little ones and Scott. Scott remembers everything about me. The first time he saw me. Our first kiss. Our first date. What I said to him - the very first time I spoke. All of it.
My kids?? They love me. No amount of fame or fortune can give me what they have given me. I ***sigh***. Because, I have been rescued. I have a better life and this is IT. I ***sigh*** because I don't have to suck in my belly. It actually is jiggling because I am laughing so hard as I walk and my kids are so cute and silly. I ***sigh*** because I don't have to do anything to impress someone. I ***sigh*** because I realize I have it all - now. As in NOW.
I am so glad that memory came randomly into my mind tonight. I think I will start signing my name Lori Kroh "4". Because, there are 4 of us.
Got that, Troy? A tiny little "4." And by the way: I am very, very famous...to three people. And that impresses me.
1 comment:
Awesome. :)
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