Every month I choose five thoughts from my Facebook statuses to publish here. Not everyone who reads my blog is on Facebook. If you're looking for some brain food, here are some thought-starters.
Well, it's 8:00am. And I have realized several things that I've already messed up. I'm so glad the Lord is patient with me. Sometimes, I feel like a 3-year-old left in charge of an embassy.
One of the mysteries of the Christian life is "don't look for happiness here." Our pastor preached a sermon yesterday called Frustrations of a Fixer--just what I needed this weekend, so appropriate for us moms. He concluded with this clever twist: the only thing we need to fix comes from Hebrews 12:2. We need to fix *our eyes* on Jesus. Our greatest troubles often come from what we're focusing on. If it's anything less than Jesus, it's gonna cause us problems.
Want to save on your food bill? Hint: stop buying food. Chances are you have lots of food in your freezer and pantry, but you're buying things at the store because this sounds good, or you saw this commercial, or you don't have time to plan. Declare a "wacky week" and just feed the kids what you find at home. We've had a dinner of leftover green beans, leftover Chinese, sweet potato fries, mixed veggies tossed with butter and thyme, and canned cinnamon rolls. It doesn't go together--but our goal is not "go together." Our goal is to eat the food we've ALREADY PAID FOR. Refuse to go to the store until there's an empty shelf in the pantry or freezer.
It's one of those days where I feel a bit overwhelmed with everything. The advice I have developed after years of dealing with this: hang on. Don't fix it today. Rest, and know that God is God.
Yesterday our pastor preached on fear and failure. He quoted someone, "What are you going to do, threaten me with heaven?" I like that quote. But I also think we are more threatened by losing our lives as we know it here, then going to the by & by. Losing our things, our status, our position, our reputation--these threaten me more than losing my life. So I reminded myself: this isn't MY story. It's His story. And He writes good ones, so I'm all in.
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