We are each humming a song. Some of us are singing loud, some of us are mouthing the words under our breath, but we each vibrate with a message. I think mine would be, "Be encouraged."
I have some friends who do amazing work. One woman sings to those hurting in poverty. Her sister sings to high school girls, telling each that she is a princess. One woman sings over a little baby she is adopting from the foster system. One woman sings "Jesus Loves You" to over a dozen foster kids who have been in and out of her home this calendar year. The chords of their lives are compassion, mercy, and love.
I have heard songs like, "Help me,""I'm so lonely," and some very angry songs. There are ones like "I want to know Jesus" or "I'm not ready to surrender my life." I think some people have a song that their heart plays, and one that they switch to when others are around. "I enjoy sin" might become "How I love the church."
I hope your song is consistent. You don't have to play it loud, and you may not know all the words yet. I hope the song you sing is one you received from the Father. Our God has a plan for each of our lives, a song He made just for us. In singing the song you were made for, you will find a range and depth that you didn't know you have. You will resonate with joy.
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