Thursday, August 2, 2012

Tip #2

It is one of those weeks in Oklahoma when the temperature is daily above 110 degrees. At night, it only drops into the 80's, and then only after I've gone to bed. A few times, it's been 102 at 10pm. Extreme seasons, like snowstorms or heat waves, require us to adapt our behavior. With the joy of electicity and Netflix and microwaves, it's kinda nice that sometimes we are still required to adapt to our environment, instead of controlling the world.

To help your plants in this weather, dump ice on them. It relieves them just like it does us, and waters them gently. My daughter Lizzye discovered this trick. Lizzye, the plants say thank you.

This is my porch, warping in the heat. Although it is only 108 in the shade currently. One summer, my thermometer hit 114. Haven't seen that yet this year. Don't want to.

1 comment:

Flea said...

Hilarious! I'll just bet they thank you. Mine like the misting system on the back porch. The rest of the plants are angry and dying.